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About the Advanced Specialized audit

twoday are established thought leaders in implementing ‘Infrastructure as Code’ which gives organizations all-important control of all essential levers in the cloud platform itself, and also ensures control of cost.

The focus has also resulted in Microsoft MVP status for several of the company’s consultants, and twoday has established a reputation for being the go-to consultants, for enterprises seeking to migrate to the cloud.

The Azure Advanced Specialized audit assesses twoday’s operational capabilities against program requirements for a Microsoft Azure advanced specialization. The assessment comprises of Q&As, and the review of selected processes and procedures, including demonstrations of tools and technologies used by twoday to meet Azure advanced specialization requirements.

Vi skaber klarhed i datakaos

Vores dataanalytikere er specialiseret i at analysere og fortolke komplekse datasæt. Ved at anvende avancerede analysemetoder identificerer vi mønstre, tendenser og sammenhænge, der kan hjælpe din virksomhed med at optimere processer, øge effektiviteten og maksimere resultaterne.

Om teknologien hedder det ene eller det andet er ikke så vigtig. Teknologien er blot et middel til at nå dine mål. Vores konsulenter og dataspecialisters kompetencer i Aarhus dækker alle discipliner inden for Business Intelligence og Analytics. Og som verificeret Microsoft Partner og Azure Partner med mange års know-how i bagagen er vi et trygt valg, når det kommer til et samarbejde.

Vi tør godt love, at selvom arbejdet med dine mange data kan fremstå komplekst, så er det endelige udbytte alt andet end det. Nemlig en letforståelig dataoplevelse, der kan hjælpe dig med at opnå lavere churn, bedre cashflow og skarpere beslutningsprocesser.

“It’s one thing to feel confident about what we are doing. It’s quite different to receive this level of acknowledgement from Microsoft, based on an independent audit. We’re very proud to be validated as one of the few solution providers out there who are able to deliver in this field.”

Peter Odgaard-Jensen, Managing Director, twoday

Why is being an Advanced Specialized partner a big deal?

For twoday, it is significant to our Azure migrations expertise recognized at company level, and not just derived from the MVP status of its employees. twoday’s customers can feel confident that the best practices and processes recommended by twoday come with the seal of approval from Microsoft itself.


The complexity of cloud migration

Cloud migration is a highly complex process. It involves and lot of big decisions, and has ramifications throughout an organization.

For a company to embark on this journey, a high level of trust in the advisors guiding you on your way is absolutely paramount.

Choosing an advisor with an official stamp of approval as your solution provider, makes it easier to reassure decision-makers that their infrastructure is safe, and will emerge unscathed and improved on the other side.

Requirements for Azure Advanced Specialized Partner

Requirements for Azure Advanced Specialized Partner for Windows Server and SQL Migration to Azure

1. Gold Cloud Platform competency
The organization must have an active Gold Cloud Platform competency

2. Azure Certifications
The organization must have 5 individuals that pass the following certifications (each certification must be held by a different individual):

  • Azure Administrator Associate 
  • Azure Data Engineer Associate 
  • Azure DevOps Engineer Expert Independent audit
  • Azure Solutions Architect Expert 
  • Azure Security Engineer Associate

3. Independent Audit
The organization must pass an independent audit of your Windows Server & SQL Server migration practices. View the most current program requirements and audit checklist here. 

Reach out to our team

Casper Bernt Hansen

Business Development Manager

+45 31 90 15 29

Magnus Agervold

Head of Sales and Product Development

+45 51 57 83 32

Troels Westh

Business Development Manager

+45 31 42 01 33

Michael Skovsgaard

Business Development Manager